Zwaar militair transportvliegtuig. Ruimte voor 134 volledig uitgeruste infanteristen of 18.800kg aan goederen. Vier "Wasp Major" motoren van 3500 pk. elk Max. snelheid 560 km. per uur. Spanwijdte 43,10 m., lengte 33.64 m., hoogte 11,60 m.

Boeing C-97G Stratofreighter
at Tuscon in September 1989

HB-ILW c/n 16765
of Balair
operated for Int'l Red Cross
at Basel-Mulhouse (2/69)
Photo by: Guido E. Bühlman

The Boeing C-97
First details of a new super cargo and troop transport for the U.S. Army Air Forces — the Boeing C-97 — were announced recently by th A. A. F. and Boeing Aircraft Company, following a series of highly successful test flights of the huge craft.
The C-97 is the new transport counterpart of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress and exceeds all existing Army Air Forces transports in range, payload and size. It is capable of carrying more than 100 fully equipped troops for long distances at exceptionally high speed.
The C-97 is the has a wing spread of 141 feet and 3 inches and is 110 feet and 4 inches long, its designed gross weight is 120,000 pounds and it has usable cargo space almost equal to two average box cars.
The C-97 motors are the same as used on the B-29—2200 horsepower Wright Cyclones, driving Hamilton Standard 4 bladed propellers.
The Commercial version of the plane, to be known as the Boeing Strato-Cruiser, and capable of carrying 100 persons in luxurious comfort for operating ranges up to 3500 miles with ample fuel reserves, already has been announced by the Boeing Company for postwar use.

Military passengers debark from a Boeing C-97 and head for Passenger Terminal Building. The plane, operated the U. S. Air Force's Military Air Transport Service (MATS), arrived at Travis from an overseas Pacific base. In the background is another C-97.

u.s. 301, TWO MILES North of Florence, S.C.,
at Airport Entrance
This unique museum, sponsored by the Florence Chamber of Commerce and the city and county of Florence, displays aircraft and missiles of various branches of the service. Museum is located half way between New York and Miami. Open all year, 8 A.M. until dark, seven days a week
FEATURED AIRCRAFT — C-97 Cargo Aircraft — Secured from Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, August 13, 1969.

Boeing 377 Stratocruiser
Foto by: F.V.