Stratocruiser Northwest Airlines

Northwest Orient Airlines
Northwest Orient Airlines will be the first to fly the mighty 75-passenger Stratocruiser coast-to-coast; to be followed by Stratocruiser service over the Orient routes of the world's most scenic airline system.

Northwest Airlines
Northwest Airlines presents the world's finest commercial airplane, the 80 Passenger Boeing Stratocruiser, ready for service in 1947 over the Northwest Passage.

The World's fastest and most modern airliners... Northwest Airlines' 75-Passenger double-deck Boeing Stratocruisers. Maximums cruising speed exceeds 340 miles per hour. The four great Wasp Major engines generate 14,000 horsepower; and maximum cruising range exceeds 4,500 miles. Spiral stairways, lower deck lounges, large dressing rooms, altitude-conditioned cabins, and many other luxury features distinguish these modern giants of the skies.

Northwest Airlines' 75-Passenger double-deck Boeing Stratocruisers. Maximum cruising speed exceeds 340 miles per hour. The four great Wasp Major engines can generate 14,000 horsepower; and maximum cruising range exceeds 5,800 miles. Spiral stairways, lower deck lounges, large dressing rooms, altitude-conditioned cabins, and many other luxury features distinguish these modern giants of the skies.

Northwest Airlines Stratocruiser
Luxurious Club Lounge of Northwest Airlines new 80 Passenger Boeing Stratocruiser. You'll relax in comfort high above the clouds, with cabin pressurized to sealevel altitude. Ready for service early in 1947.

This airport, one of the largest air terminals in the United States, is now an international port with service to Alaska and to the Far East. The U.S. Naval Reserve aviation base is located at this field.


"Aviation Center of the World"

Ektachrome by J. Boyd Ellis

Chicago Midway Airport has the busiest Control Tower in the world. This airport handles about 8.000.000 passenger a year. All national and international airlines are represented here.

Willow Run Airport
Ypsilanti, Michigan
The World's Finest Airport
Color Photo by John Freeman

Serving the Metropolitan DETROIT, MICHIGAN area as seen from the steps leading from an airliner at its berth near a passenger concourse.

Photographed by Arthur Langford

Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis