Stratocruiser Pan American Airlines

Boeing 377 Stratocruiser
Pan American placed the original and largest order for the double deck Stratocruiser, 20 of the 56 built. It later purchased one of the prototypes, and acquired six by merge with American Overseas Airlines, for a total of 27. Ten were later modified to "Super" Stratocruisers by installation of additional 450 gallon fuel tanks, allowing non-stop flights to London and Paris from New York. Complete with a lower deck lounge and bar, the "Strats" were the ultimate in luxurious travel, and served Pan Am From April 1, 1949 until the last was retired on December 18, 1960.

Double-decked Clippers, the world's largest, most modern airliners, are the pride of Pan American World Airways' Clipper fleet. Equipped with Sleeperettes, roomy chair-lounges that adjust oat button-touch to restful bed length, an a congenial club lounge on the lower deck, they offer unmarched comfort and luxury.

Heathrow Airport, April 1949

de la Cie P.A.A.

largest, fastest, most luxurious of all airlines are Pan American's Double-Decked "Strato" Clippers operating from New York to both Europe and South America. And from the U.S. westcoast to Hawaii, the Orient and Australia.
Special, de luxe flights of these "Strato" Clippers are "The President" and "The President Special" to Europe and "El Presidente" co\necting New York and Buenos Aires. Veritable "flying hotels," they afford full sleeping accommodations and the most luxurious service aloft.
Pan American's fleet of "Strato" Clippers is the largest in the world!

Düsseldorf - Flughafen - Airport
Pan American Airways
Clipper Seven Seas

Flugplatz - Air Port - Aéroport
Farb-Aufnahme von Jos. Kessel, Niederdollendorf b. Bo\n



This delightful dining room is noted for its beautiful panoramic view of the San Francisco Bay area, wonderful cuisine, and colorful atmosphere.
The unexcelled view of airplanes arriven and departin for the four corners of the worl is an experience you'll long remember, while enjoying your favorite luncheon, dinner , or bevarege. Phone: Plaza 9-1662.

Artist of the Series: John T. McCoy

N90948 - c/n 15964
San Francisco - Int. (SFO) June 1959 Photo: Clint Groves

N90945 - c/n 15961/44
Photo from collection WGA

Boeing 377-10-26 "Clipper Flying Cloud"
N1028V c/n 15928/19
Photo by: Mel Lawrence

Boeing 377-10-26 "Clipper Constitution"
N1038V c/n 15938/41
Photo by: Arciv WGA

Ektachrome by Max R. Jensen


Powered by 4 Pratt and Whitney engines. The latest addition to P.A.A. and B.O.A.C. Fleets. The "Stratocruiser" has the same wing and tail units as the B.50 "Stratobomber" and is also one of the first aircraft in service with the "double-bubble" type fuselage construction.
Fling on the trans-Atlantic routes.


Flughafen Frankfurt / Main

Airline Memorabilia Collectors
Flughafen Frankfurt
Geb. 201, Postfach 81
60549 Frankfurt/M
Der Blick auf das Vorfeld zeigt ein typisches Flugzeug der fünfziger Jahre, die viermotoriege BOEING Stratocruiser (B 377)
Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden

Frankfurt am Main — Flughafen Rhein-Mein

Empfangsgebäude mit Flugzeugrampe

Tokyo International Airport

Arrival of a Pan American Stratocruiser Clipper — Ezeiza
Chegada dum Clipper Stratocruiser da Pan American — Ezeiza
Picture restored by Álvaro Martín

A Pan American Aeroplane in the "Minister Pistarini" National Airport — Ezeiza
Um avião da Pan American no Aeroporto Nacional Ministro Pistarini — Ezeiza

Boeing B-3777, N1028Y

Mit Genehmigung der Flughafen G.mb.H Württemberg

A Pan American Clipper an a Pnagr D.C. 6 Plane in the "Minister Pistarini" National Airport — Ezeiza
Um Clipper da Pan American e um aviã D.C. 6 da Panagra no Aeroporte Nacional Ministro Pistarini — Ezeiza